Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ferry Fotos

So I go to Victoria to see my buddy Cameron pretty often, which means I find myself frequently riding the ferry. Assuming it's not ass-cold and I've already finished my Pirate Pack, I like to go out on the deck and take some shots. Now, all the tourists love to do this too, but they're usually taking photos of the ocean, or a lighthouse, or themselves in front of the ocean or a lighthouse,  while I prefer to check out the boat itself. It's sort of like an aircraft carrier, only instead of fighter planes it has an arcade and Yo Gabba Gabba. So I guess that means I'm pretty much in the Navy. Call me Captain Admiral.

I think I have more around here somewhere....To be continued.

P.S. If you're interested in the technical stuff, I'm pretty sure I shot these on Fuji 400 H 120 film. The first one on a tripod, and the second handheld, both on my 80mm Zeiss Planar 2.8 wide open.  If you're not interested or don't know what all that jargon means, then I shot these with my iPhone.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lexington Models - Claire

These are some shots of one of Lexington Models new faces, Claire. My String Magazine co-hort Jeanette Shwarz was there for hair and makeup and Tawnya Busch, the owner of the agency provided styling. Shot this at my brother's apartment. Claire did really well, especially given the smell of my brother's roommate's cats.....

More after the jump.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New String Magazine Editorial

So this is my second proper editorial for String, and it's an idea that's been percolating for quite some time. My employers were kind enough to let me use their swank board room for this, and I'm really pleased with how it all turned out. got to work with some of my favorite people and meet some really talented new ones as well. Check it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall Photograph

Because it's fall.
That is all.


And trees are tall! (yesssssss, I should be a rapper!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's been a while..... (again)

So I haven't posted anything in a helluva long time (mostly because I've been too busy taking photos, ironically enough). However, here I am with a new post. This summer my girlfriend and I drove down the coast and along the way I ook some pics. The top one is the only thing I found interesting enough to take in L.A. (and it was just from my hotel window). The rest are all from San Francisco.  All the rest after the jump.

P.S. I made a very half-assed attempt at updating the look of this blog but stopped after I found out I'd have to do some (very) minor backend stuff in order to have one of my own photos appear all blurry-like in the background. So once I figure that out then this stock sunny day grass thing will be history.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Huddled Masses

Been wanting to get this shot for a while now, and finally took the time to go stand in the rain and spy on unsuspecting commuters. This was taken from behind the Canada Line stop at Cambie and Broadway. I'd walked by a few times and seen people waiting here for the B-Line and thought it would be a real cool shot with that space between the structures. I hadn't anticipated taking it just as the west-bound bus was stopped across the street, but I think it adds a little bit of narrative to what the people are waiting for. I haven't ruled out going back and taking the shot again when it's foggy out, but I'm not actually sure that would add to it anyway. I don't know if it will fit in with any of the other sets, but I hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Glass Is Half Full.......OF FIREWORKS!! (and water, mostly just water)

I thought the nightly fireworks show during the Olympics at David Lam park would be a good opportunity to add something to my Fire In The Sky set. Unfortunately it was also the time that I was spending most of my nights at the office studying for mid-terms until 1:00 in the morning. Thus was the genesis of the photo you see here. The view of the fireworks was pretty sweet from 18 floors up, and I wanted to include the phone in the corner to add a little bit more context. I thought about putting some books in there but I thought that would be too much. Anyway, here it is, I'll add it to the rest of the set when I get around to it. And for those of you who are interested, Fuji 400H PRO, Hasselblad,  Zeis Planar 80mm 2.8 shot wide open, exposed for.....I dunno, a while.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let's Compare Some Film!! Fuji vs. Kodak - FIGHT!!

As I was setting up for a shot the other night, I realized I still had one shot left in my film back, and thought that this might be a good opportunity to do some film comparisons! The film I use probably more than anything else is Fuji 400H PRO, at least for all my night stuff (which I clearly do a lot of). It's my favorite. The latitude is great, it has really nice and fine grain, and I love the colors it produces. Not crazy like Velvia but still beautifully saturated. So imagine my dismay at being in Custom Color the other day, needing to buy film, and they were out. All they had was the Provia 400, and positive film just doesn't work well for night shots using long exposures. The guy recommended I try the Kodak 400VC and I thought "what the hell?" I give Kodak shit all the time so I might as well put my camera where my mouth is. Hit the jump to hear my two cents....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hey, My Uncle Is Part Of The Olympics!

I know these are not the kind of shots you're used to seeing on this blog (no pretty girls, no weird night-timey shots), so I'll explain. Basically, my uncle Scott got to carry the Olympic torch yesterday. The whole family was pretty excited and went out to see him run. For me that meant getting up at the crack of 9:00 and getting my ass out to Chilliwack to take some photos. It was really festive and I think everybody had a really good time, especially my grandparents. My friend, who used to do a lot of professional sports photography, loaned me an old 100-200mm f5.6 (the lens cap for which actually sports the logo for the 1976 Montreal Olympics) and it ended up working really well. This is pretty much the calm before the storm until the world arrives next week and the whole city becomes a giant clusterfuck, but I gotta admit, this was pretty fun. Tons more shots of almost the whole fam-dam after the jump.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's Been A While......

....since I posted anything, so I thought I had better remedy that. This was taken in Abbotsford last month while I was back for Christmas. I have a regular route that I like to drive when I'm home, and this is about half-way through it (just past creepy cult-town "Auguston"). I saw this and decided it warranted pulling over and doing a little minor trespassing. I later used it as the cover for a mix-tape I made for Jamie. I told her this shack was where I was born, raised, and educated (Better than telling her the truth: Edmonton, Edmonton, Catholic school).

As a side note, I think I'll try to post on here more often. The idea for the blog was to have a place that could be updated more frequently than the proper site, and include images that didn't fit as easily into larger sets. I guess what I'm trying to say is, some of the photos will suck, some won't. Plan your day accordingly.