....since I posted anything, so I thought I had better remedy that. This was taken in Abbotsford last month while I was back for Christmas. I have a regular route that I like to drive when I'm home, and this is about half-way through it (just past creepy cult-town "Auguston"). I saw this and decided it warranted pulling over and doing a little minor trespassing. I later used it as the cover for a mix-tape I made for Jamie. I told her this shack was where I was born, raised, and educated (Better than telling her the truth: Edmonton, Edmonton, Catholic school).
As a side note, I think I'll try to post on here more often. The idea for the blog was to have a place that could be updated more frequently than the proper site, and include images that didn't fit as easily into larger sets. I guess what I'm trying to say is, some of the photos will suck, some won't. Plan your day accordingly.