Monday, February 8, 2010

Hey, My Uncle Is Part Of The Olympics!

I know these are not the kind of shots you're used to seeing on this blog (no pretty girls, no weird night-timey shots), so I'll explain. Basically, my uncle Scott got to carry the Olympic torch yesterday. The whole family was pretty excited and went out to see him run. For me that meant getting up at the crack of 9:00 and getting my ass out to Chilliwack to take some photos. It was really festive and I think everybody had a really good time, especially my grandparents. My friend, who used to do a lot of professional sports photography, loaned me an old 100-200mm f5.6 (the lens cap for which actually sports the logo for the 1976 Montreal Olympics) and it ended up working really well. This is pretty much the calm before the storm until the world arrives next week and the whole city becomes a giant clusterfuck, but I gotta admit, this was pretty fun. Tons more shots of almost the whole fam-dam after the jump.