This is an art project that I made for my submission to school. The objective was to create something inspired by one of a list of other projects, and from that list I choose this:
. My goal with this was to demonstrate how social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter (really just these two, unless there are people still holding onto MySpace or were all about Google Buzz), allow people the option of very deliberately grooming the outward appearance of how they live their lives. They can do this either by carefully selecting what movies or music they are listed as "liking", so as to indicate exactly how their taste identifies their personality, or by meticulously culling unflattering photos to maintain (or avoid) a certain image, or many other means of control. However, the point here is to demonstrate that no matter how judiciously someone manages their profile, these same people (i.e. all of us) give off the same subtle signals online that betray elements of their true, flawed selves, just as they do in the real world. It's a project I'd like to further expand upon in the future, but right now I'm kinda busy trying to make it through all of Battlestar Galactica.
More after the jump

P.S. I'm really sorry if anybody is offended I choose their profile pic for a subject in this, I didn't mean anything by it, which is of course why no one's actual name was used. The only real world truth in this project is that I really do like Orange Julius.
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