Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lexington Models - Tara

So here's a few quick shots of Tara, who was fantastic. Also one of my favorite partners in crime, Shawnna Downing did hair and makeup. This was also the first shoot I've done since moving to Toronto, and shooting in the new apartment turned out really well! More after the jump, as per usual.

LExington Models - Alana

The fantastic Sara Sim and Sarah Danniels worked on this one with me, doing hair/makeup and styling, respectively. And the model is Alana, for whom this was her second shoot I think. Lots more after the jump

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lexington Models - Alexander & Elizabeth

So this was a lot of fun. Got to work with the amazingly talented Vincent Lee, Shawnna Downing, and Chunyen Lee. Most of this got shot in studio (got to try out the new black backdrop, yeahhh). We tried to move the whole thing downtown for some exterior stuff but got rained out pretty damn quick. You can see some of the rain drops on Alexander's suit, but otherwise I did my best to minimize the obvious Vancouver-ness of the weather. Both of the models did really well, and that whole early salt & pepper thing Alexander had going really photographed well! Does that make any sense? Loads more after the jump, yo.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Another editorial I shot a while ago but forgot to post so now I'm posting it!

So this is something I shot for Lexington a while back, and then String decided to publish it. I think this was maybe the girl's first shoot but she did pretty well! I had her walk across the street about a million times, and in the middle of it some dude started full-on hitting on her, and then came up to my crew and I (and her mom) and started explaining how he was going to marry her and make music with her. Plus he had a stupid accent. Basically the creepiest guy on the planet. I don't think he realized she was about 14, but then again maybe he did. I've included a shot of her seeming rather embarrassed as he "charms her" after the jump. FYI they didn't get married.

P.S. I decided to shoot about half of this on 35mm just for fun and I really liked it. I was going to shoot Ektar but they were sold out so I ended up using Provia 100.